Weather. Looks like the next few days could show us some unsettled weather. Please stay abreast with the coaches about reporting time, etc. Will share when final schedule of events is released. Remember to dress for the weather; wear layers.

Parking Situation at Regattas. The regattas are only going to get more crowded from here on out making parking even more of a challenge at Sandy Run. When parking fills up at Sandy Run, they route people to a commuter parking lot about 4 miles away. They tweet out when parking is full and they have started using the commuter lot, follow #VASRAParking to know in advance. Plan extra time (about 30 min) in case you have to head to the commuter lot and take the even longer shuttle. Refer to VASRA PARKING INFORMATION pdf.

VASRA Volunteer Check In Procedures. On the day of the regatta, volunteers should report to Regatta Headquarters. This is the little red building close to the launch dock near the boat house. All volunteers sign in at Regatta Headquarters regardless of the location of their assignment. Please sign in with enough time to get to your assigned location from the sign in tent on time. This Roster is the ONLY record of your participation. Failure to sign is equivalent to being absent. Once the volunteer signs in and receives information about whom to report to, the volunteer is to remain on the job for the full shift unless dismissed early. For concessions sign in information, the volunteer may be asked to sign another sign in sheet, and may be asked to sign out as well, but that does not replace the HQ sign in. Thanks everyone for your willingness to volunteer to make these events happen.

Pasta the Wiley-Mannings on Friday night immediately after practice

Spring Break Carpools. There is NO BUS next week. See email for contact information and spring break carppools version_2. Thank you to all the volunteer drivers. Rowers, please note that you should be prepared to meet your ride at Stuart unless the driver offers to pick you up elsewhere. If your plans change, be sure to notify and connect with the driver so that he/she doesn’t drive out of the way to get you or wait around for you. Practice starts at 3:30 p.m. Be ready to row.

J.E.B. Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.