Mathews May Recap Regatta and The Weeks Ahead

Mathews May Recap Regatta and The Weeks Ahead

All: My thanks to the rowers, coaches, and parents who supported the Mathews Regatta yesterday. It was a great team effort, loading/unloading the trailer, launching/recovering 17 entries, and feeding/hydrating 32 rowers. Please check out the photo story at our Justice...
Mathews May Regatta—May 5, 2019—Forms Due

Mathews May Regatta—May 5, 2019—Forms Due

Parents and Rowers, The rowers below are currently listed as attending the Mathews Regatta based on the pre-spring break survey. Since we’re leaving the local area we must have FCPS Field Trip Forms from the participants. Please sign the attached form and have...
Mathews Regatta Recap, Monday, and More

Mathews Regatta Recap, Monday, and More

Our regular season came to a close yesterday on the banks of the East River in Mathews. It ended up being a great day all around … weather, teamwork, and results. My thanks to the parents and coaches who supported the long-distance deployment. Congrats to all...
Mathews and More. The Weeks Ahead.

Mathews and More. The Weeks Ahead.

We loaded the trailer Thursday and are ready to head to Mathews. The current Mathews forecast appears to be wet, so ensure you pack the appropriate clothing and something to change into at the end. I don’t yet have the regatta schedule from Mathews, but...
Al Urquia Regatta Recap and Mathews Ahead!

Al Urquia Regatta Recap and Mathews Ahead!

Al Urquia brings the local regular season to a close. Great team effort … rowers, coaches, and parents … on a successful competition. For those not tracking Twitter yesterday, the results are summarized below. Congrats again this week to the Men’s...