March 16th (Sat.) – We will move the boats back to Sandy Run from Lake Barcroft.

* Starting at Barcroft”s Beach 4, the floating dock is dissembled, beached and stacked in the parking lot, also the fence is disassembled and stacked. All boats are de-rigged, secured and trailered to the boat house.  The team will travel to Sandy Run to re-rig and put the boats in the boat house ready for the next practice. Additionally the coaches” boats and engines will be launched and readied.  This is an All Hands event; it conflicts with the Band trip so we need all available rowers.

* While the rowers are preparing our equipment we will have a Boathouse Orientation for all novice parents. This instructs new parents what to expect on Regatta days. The tour will include the boat house and all the associated facilities and explanations of their roles.  We will also hike to the Grandstands, about a mile each way, so wear comfortable shoes. You will also have a chance to ask questions and get to meet the coaches.