• Car Wash – September 14
  • Fall Practice Day – Saturday 28 September at Lake Barcroft for all returning rowers.  ****Please note*** In order to participate, you need to have your sports physical dated on or after May 1, 2013 turned in (see attached form) and your on-line concussion training done!!  The concussion training can be found at http://www.fcps.edu/supt/activities/atp/health/concussion/ceov_program.shtml.  Please put forms in the crew mail box in the front office if you have not turned one in to the PE Dept for a fall sport.   If you don’t have both of these done, you will not be able to participate in the team practice on 9/28.  Watch for more details!
  • Sunday 29 September (afternoon) – Fall Crew Open House at Lake Barcroft.  All returning rowers are expected to participate (physicals are not needed)!  Please invite friends and prospective crew members to give them a taste of rowing. Details to follow.