February means we are in the homestretch and finalizing rosters the next two weeks.  Anyone who has not registered, please do so now!

Wednesday February 5
:   Due to conflicts for several of us, we unfortunately must cancel our Booster meeting on Feb 5th.  Please watch for another message regarding a rescheduled date/time.  With the season starting soon, we will need a meeting!!

Monday February 10:  Chipotle’s fundraiser.  4-8pm.  Join family, neighbors and friends for dinner at Chipotle’s mentioning Crew and they will provide the team 50% of funds  spent.  In the fall, we netted over $700 there — MUCH easier and tastier than a car wash!!!   So please watch for the flyer coming soon and let folks know to plan on an evening of good food!

Thursday February 13:  Ice-Breaker at Public House No 7, 6:15pm til ?.  Rowers, Parents, Coaches and Family are invited to spend some time relaxing (right after conditioning), grabbing dinner or snacks, getting to know each other, and listening to the bluegrass music of our own River Rat Matt Slocum.  Invite friends and neighbors to visit that evening as well.  Public House is donating a percentage of the night’s take.  The band will play from about 7:30-9ish.  Find out what a River Rat does for the team and see the newest decoration on display at the Pub — a Stuart Sculling Oar!

As always, let us know if you have any questions!
Chris Hegemann
Booster President