The season has raced by and we are coming to a close.  Sunday June 1st we need everyone to come out — first to Sandy Run to clean up, get motors stowed, and other end of season chores.  Then we can relax and enjoy rowers and families at the  end of year picnic.

Sandy Run CleanUp. Folks should meet at 11am at the Stuart parking lot on Sunday, June 1st so we can carpool down.  Rowers – please let me know if you can attend and if you need a ride.  Parent and student drivers–also let me know, so we can ensure we have enough for carpools.

End of Year Picnic:  3pm at  Sleepy Hollow Recreational Association (SHRA).  This will be a potluck affair with the team supplying the hamburgers and hot dogs and families bringing side dishes and desserts.  Please watch for a note later in the week to sign up to bring food or other supplies.

We also will have a “Lost and Found” table. If you have found something that didn’t belong to you during a crew event, please bring it to the party!  Also, FYI, we will postpone the booster meeting scheduled for June 4th until later in the month.  Stay tuned.

I look forward to seeing you all again for this fun, family event!

Christine Hegemann
Crew Booster President