Stuart Crew members welcomed two new quads to its fleet this month and have a lightweight double on order!   Kanghua boats, a relatively new brand in the US market, have been raced at the 2014 Sydney World Cup and the World Championships in Korea in 2013.  This summer, rowers in Kanghua shells won 2 Gold Medals at Junior World Championships Hamburg Germany.

One of the boats Stuart Crew Boosters purchased was made for the US National U23 developmental camp and has red, white and blue markings.  The other quad is red and white.  After being tested at Sandy Run Regional Park, rowers felt that the boats were more stable and faster than the teams existing shells.  The boats have been purchased, moved in the boat house at Sandy Run and now only need to be named.   Updating the aging inventory of racing shell is a Booster priority and efforts will continue to update other equipment.  It is safe to say that everyone is looking forward to the new season more than ever.