Rowers, plan to spend the day transporting boats from Sandy Run, rerigging, going out on the lake with prospective team members, teachers, and interested neighbors in the Stuart community, demonstrating proper form on the ergs, derigging, then returning boats to our Sandy Run boathouse. It will be a fun, but long day. Parents, plan on helping with set up at Barcroft, chatting with parents of prospective rowers, and providing potluck items. There will be food!

Click here for the sign up for the ROWERS.

Click here for the sign up for the parents.

Rowers, we need about 10 people at Sandy Run in the morning and evening to move boats. Please sign up for at least morning or afternoon transport in addition to participation at the event.

Remember how fun it is? Last year’s Open House. Click for slideshow.

Juniors, you were freshmen once. Look back to Open House 2013.