Winter conditioning starts this Thursday from 3:45-5:45 PM in the dance studio. Come in layered workout clothes—plan to warm-up with an outside run. Bring plenty of water in a refillable bottle.

You must have a sports physical on file with the school and have turned in an emergency care form to participate. We also need your crew registration form so we can plan for the spring season. Most of the team still needs to turn in one or both of the two forms necessary for winter conditioning. If you have not received an email from registrar Mari Mullane by Wednesday morning saying you are cleared for winter practice, contact her to find out what forms you still need to turn in.

For new members, please review the basic rowing stroke video at

For returning members with team ergs —plan to bring the ergs to the dance studio at 3:30 p.m. If you won’t be able to bring it that day, let one or more of the captains (Emma, Marissa, or Vince) know so we can arrange a drop-off earlier in the week at the team trailer behind the school. Make sure the erg has been cleaned, and let us know now if there are any problems with the erg.

Review the schedule and top-level workout plan the coaches intend to use in the coming months, along with handouts on body circuits and stretching. The coaches will discuss the plan and expectations on Thursday.

Questions? Email

00_P3090672_ERG_outside_women_rowers_800x533px 00_P3090711_ERG_outside_men_rowers_800x533px
Two photos from March 9 spring practice. Yes, that is snow! Photos courtesy Marilyn Finley


A look back. See the slideshow from Day 1 Winter Conditioning a year ago.