Stuart Crew,

We’re heading into the busy—and fun—practice and regatta season! We’ve got a lot coming up, including erg sprints, practice on Barcroft and at Sandy Run (and boat transitions between the two), regattas near (Sandy Run) and not-so-near (Matthews, Stotes, and additional opportunities), meetings, deadlines, weigh-ins, swim tests, and more. We’ve boiled it all down to a one-page calendar. Click on link to download.

Also, you’ll always find the most up-to-date calendar on the website to bookmark on your mobile device.

We’ll see you at the all-hands meeting on Feb. 10 at 7 pm in the library. Plan to attend and learn required info, what to expect, and job responsibilities for Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) this season. And it’s a great opportunity to give your registrar your final payment and any outstanding forms, although she also appreciates receiving them before this meeting.

Finally, George Mason University is holding an open house for their women’s rowing program on Feb. 6. They say it is targeted at high school juniors, but others are welcome too. They’ll have a campus tour, presentations by the coaches and guest speakers. You’ll find the informational flyer here.