The scrimmage on Thursday with South County and Hylton went well … everyone available raced and many were able to race twice — Stuart boats won 6 of 10 entered events, with some others very close. Great job by the rowers, especially with all the finish line seat/boat swaps we had to do. Ms Gioseffi has posted pictures and videos on the website.

This upcoming weekend is the Al Urquia Regatta on the Occoquan. The coaches hope to race the novices in 8s for this regatta; however, this requires that ALL novices attend. If anyone anticipates missing this regatta, please tell me by Monday — the coaches decide on race lineups on Tuesday after practice. This is the last regular season Occoquan regatta for us and the last chance to see some of the local competition before the VASRA Championship on May 14th.

Looking past next weekend, we will travel to Mathews on May 7th.  This is a fun regatta and will allow for multiple rows against different teams. Mathews will be the last competitive opportunity for some members of the team. I need to submit a roster and entries to the regatta organizers a week prior — I will assume everyone plans to attend unless you tell me otherwise. Bus transportation is provided by the team. I’ve attached some Mathews info from this weekend for planning purposes.

Rowers, expect one last 2K this week as the coaches look to make final decisions on the Championship and Stotesbury entries.

See you Monday …

Coach Mike


Advance Information for Mathews Regatta May 7th:

April 23rd 2016 spectators memo

Mathews Regatta Race Course


  • Take 64 to Route 17 (J. Clyde Morris Blvd) exit.
  • Follow Route 17 North through Gloucester County.
  • Turn right on Route 17 Business after you pass Wal-Mart.
  • Turn right onto Route 14 at the first stop light.
  • Follow Route 14 until you reach a stop sign (about 12 miles).
  • Turn right onto Route 14/Route 198.
  • Stop at the first stop sign.
  • Turn right again (Hardee’s on the corner).
  • Drive about 2 miles and turn right on Route 614.
  • Follow to the end of Williams Wharf.