Attached is the draft regatta schedule for Saturday. The entries are summarized below.

Men … 2X (Chris/Steven), 1X (Peter), LW 4X (Vince/Sam F/Noah/Markus), Junior 4+ (Parker (cox)/Blas/Justin/Sam H//Torin), Novice 8 (Giselle (cox) Charles/Rami/Hussein/Warner/Julian/Corey/Liam/Renzo)

Women … 4X (Erin/Pasha/Stephanie/Emma), LW 2X (Alize/Parker); Junior 4+ ( Caroline (cox)/Mackenzie/India/Hannah/Allie), Novice 8 (Renzo (cox) Tucker/Isabelle/Brooke/Valeska/Vivian/Giselle/Leilani/Jenna)

On the novice side, Renzo and Giselle will again perform double duty as coxswains and rowers. This is so we can race both novice 8s.

Coaches’ meeting is at 7:00 am, coxswains/bow rowers at 7:30 am, and lightweight weigh-ins run from 7-9 am. We don’t have confirmation yet of a second coxswains’ meeting. Rowers, confirm with your coaches the time they expect you to be at the boathouse … use two hours prior to your race as a guide.

We’re also completing our final round of 2K erg tests this week and next … the girls wrapped up today. Several girls achieved personal best scores … congratulations! I’d like to recognize freshman Isabelle Schrock as our fastest girl at 7:39.8 (1.52 watts/weight) and sophomore Pasha McGuigan as our most efficient based on a watts/weight of 1.54 (7:49.7) … great job, ladies. Two other girls … India Verardi and Hannah Labor… broke 8 minutes for the first time this season.

See you tomorrow …
Coach Mike

UPDATED Friday. Al-Urquia-Regatta-2016-Saturday-Apr-30-heat-sheet (1st Release)

Check the VASRA website for the most current schedule.