So far it looks like we’ll get a break on the weather tomorrow, although things could be a little muddy at Mathews based on the rain today.

Good effort yesterday to get the trailer loaded and ready to go … the coaches will take the trailer to Mathews this afternoon.

Please make sure you’ve read the attached spectators’ bulletin. On the race course map, note that lane 1 is closest to the viewing area. I’ve also included an aerial photo of the area.

We’ve received a first release of the schedule and have aligned rowers with events. I’ve attached the top-level schedule to give you a sense for when we’re competing. We’ll also have a large, laminated grid that we’re working and will post at the regatta site to outline rowers, coaches, and events. Almost every rower will be in two events. Stuart will compete in 19 events tomorrow with 14 teams participating. Novice and mixed races tomorrow will be 1000m, all other races will be 1500m.

The coaches’ meeting is at 7:15 am; coxswains immediately after that. Our first boat will launch just after 8 am … so things will start early. Plan to launch 30 minutes prior to your event time.

When you arrive tomorrow at the site, the first priority, after everything is offloaded, is to get shells rigged and checked. A coach will be assigned to each race event … talk to that coach about the lineup for that boat and what he or she needs you to do prior to launch.

For this afternoon … as was explained yesterday, I expect those competing at the VASRA Championship to workout with Coach Shannon at the school at 3:30 today. Practice is optional for all other rowers.

See you all bright and early tomorrow …

Coach Mike

(Turn in permission slip to Ms. Mullane or Steven today.)

[A couple of pictures and videos from yesterday’s practice and prep.]

5-7-16-29th Mathews Regatta-Event Schedule V3

5-7-16-29th Mathews Regatta-Event Schedule V3_11x17

May 7 2016 29th Mathews Regatta spectators bulletin

Mathews Regatta Race Course Wharf Trailer-Launch-Recovery Site Aerial