Anyone up for another restaurant fundraiser? Me neither, so we’re trying something different next week (don’t worry, rowers, it still involves food).

Welcome to the World of Munchies! World of Munchies is a locally owned and operated international snack delivery service. You just place your order and soon delicious (and sometimes weird, but always awesome!) snacks from around the world arrive on your doorstep.

World of Munchies has already generously donated to the team and now has agreed to sponsor a week-long fundraiser for us as well. This will run from Sunday, May 8 (starting at 8am) to Sunday, May 15 (ending at 8pm).

Here’s how it works.

1. Go to Matthews, row well, have fun. Come home.
2. Go to
3. Place your order (I recommend the Serious Snacker snack pack).
4. Use the code STUARTCREW at checkout.
5. Sit back, relax, and wait for deliciousness to be delivered.
6. Scratch that “relax” part. While you’re waiting, email your friends, neighbors, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, dentist, mailman, veterinarian — everyone you know! — and tell them to place an order, too. Just remind them to use the STUARTCREW code at checkout.

40% of each sale will be donated to the crew, so everyone needs to get snacking ASAP.

Snack on!
Vicky Carmody