It’s 6:30am, and I’m in the back seat of Linda Manning’s car for the hour ride to the regatta site. I should have time to write this.

We are at Nationals!

JEB Stuart High School is represented with three boats — a women’s varsity quad, a men’s lightweight quad, and a junior women’s four+. Three coaches and 10 parents. It truly takes a village.

The team accomplished the best finish in recent history at the Stotesbury Cup Regatta last week in Philadelphia with four of the seven entries making it through time trials and into semi-final heats!

For the fourth consecutive year since I’ve been exposed to the program, it all seems to come together at the end of the season. The boats magically transform from groups of individuals into cohesive units. It truly is amazing.

These are really, really great kids. It is such a joy to watch them progress. The kids have learned so much more than just rowing. Teamwork, time management, respect, leadership, and much more. What a tremendous experience for them.

Of course, none of this is possible without the help from parents, alumni, and friends.

As you know, the scrip program is a significant fundraiser for the program. I will place the monthly order this MONDAY evening. Please provide me your order no later than 6:00pm. Go to to see all of the gift card opportunities.

Signing off from Dillon Lake,