At the Stuart Crew Year-End picnic and awards ceremony on Sunday, June 12, the coaches talked about the team’s successes in major regattas throughout May. Coach Mike highlighted the rowers who made it all the way to Nationals this year through perseverance, teamwork, discipline, and determination. Next year, we look to take even more. For a look back at those regattas in May, links to slideshows are below, and all the 2016 recaps can be found here.


SRAA National Championship 5/27-28/2016

Stotesbury Cup Regatta 5/20-21/2016

States 5/14/2016

Mathews May Regatta 5/7/2016
Hat tip to Noah Taylor for capturing close-ups on the water, the coxswains race up close, Coaches Shannon and Sergio in the coach’s race, and some of the coxswain tosses.

Cheers to Coach Rob Walker for capturing many of the team’s moments on Twitter.

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