My thanks to all the Summer Fitness Challenge participants who worked to improve their fitness levels over the last several weeks. Thanks also to Vince and Pasha for their efforts to collect/organize the data and encourage their teammates. 

Those who logged meters and lift hours included Pasha, Erin, India, Mackenzie, Alize, Hannah, Isabelle, Brooke, Markus, Vince, Sam H, Steven, and Noah.

As a group these rowers recorded 2.2 million meters of rowing, erging, running, swimming, and biking, as well as some lifting.

And the winners

PashaBest All-Around (Rowing – 291 km, Running – 117 km, Biking – 48 km, 2.7 hours of lifting)

Vince –  Lifting (14.6 hours), plus Rowing – 62 km and Running – 23 km

ErinRowing (548 km)

Sam H. – Running  (220 km)

MackenzieSwimming (63 km); Honorable Mention to Hannah (56 km)

MarkusBiking (79 km)

We’ll present the gift cards to the winners at the Open House later this month. 

Great work … see you soon. 

Coach Mike

Follow @StuartHScrew

