Hello Stuart Crew Supporters:

Open House has come and gone. It brought with it the first somewhat coldish morning air. It is time to think ahead for fall weather and fall foods — everything seems to be pumpkin flavored. You can shop for fall products and support Stuart Crew by ordering gift cards through the Scrip Program. Below are a small sample of participating stores (and their fundraising percentages):

Safeway (4%)

Starbucks (7%)

TJ Maxx (7%)

Whole Foods (3%)

This is going to be a quick turn-around as I am clearly calendar challenged (for some reason I thought there was another September weekend coming up). Orders will be placed for gift cards this Wednesday evening (September 28), so please email your order by 8:00pm Wednesday to stuartcrewproducts@gmail.com. It REALLY helps the kids and the crew program. Go to www.shopwithscrip.com to see all of the participating merchants.

Standing orders need no response.

Thank you for your support of JEB Stuart Crew.