If your rower is among the team members who have had use this summer of one of Stuart Crew’s ergs, it’s time to dust them off and return it. With winter conditioning starting next week (Thursday, Nov. 17), it is time to turn those ergs back in.

We will have two scheduled opportunities for you return the borrowed erg:

Saturday, Nov. 12, 9 am to 11 am or

Sunday, Nov. 13, 4 pm to 6 pm


At the Stuart Crew trailer in the back parking lot at Stuart High School

What you need to do before dropping off the erg:

1. Wipe the erg clean! We recommend disinfecting wipes. Be sure to clean the tracks, the seat rollers, the seat, foot wells, handle and monitor.

2. Bring a fresh replacement set of batteries for the display.

3. Report any issues with the erg or needed repairs to Coach Mike now.