Woot! It’s time for a Chipotle fundraiser!

The crew team earns 50% of what folks spend — remember to say you are eating on behalf of Stuart Crew and show the flyer attached.


Dec. 13, 5 to 9 pm, Seven Corners Chipotle. 


Chipotle gift cards purchased through Shop With Scrip pay back 10% to the team. So, purchase gift cards from Sonja by the last Sunday of November, and use those scrip cards to pay for your Chipotle dinner on the 13th. That’s a bonus $1 for every $10 spent.

Mark your calendar, invite your friends, and enjoy Chipotle while supporting the crew team.

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years

Click the image, print and bring the flyer to Chipotle on Dec. 13, and give flyers out to encourage friends and family to come on by.
