The weather looks better this week. We’ll switch the on-water shifts back to sculling boats first for the women; sweep boats first for the men. 

Tuesday is the Team photo—unless you hear differently from Coaches Rob or Lexie, be at the Stadium Field no later than 3:15 pm wearing your gray team T-shirt. We tentatively plan to 2K after the photo and will only do one shift on the lake. We’ll discuss further tomorrow.    

Continue to let the coaches know in advance if you’ll be late or absent. The end of this week is the Wind Ensemble trip to Indianapolis. We know that Noah, Julian, Vince, Erin, Isabelle, Sam, Warner, and Chris will be gone. If anyone else is part of this trip please send me a note. 

This Saturday we’ll pack up at Beach 4 and move back to Sandy Run. Plan to meet at Beach 4 at 9 am to load the trailer. We’ll try to get some boats derigged at the end of Friday practice. Once we get back to Sandy Run, all the equipment will be rigged, and if time permits we’ll try to get out on the Occoquan for a bit. We’ll also do an orientation of the boathouse and park for the new parents.

If any parent has access to a small boat trailer that could be used to get a coaching launch back to Sandy Run, please let me know. We can’t fit the launch that the Lake Barcroft Association donated to us on the same trailer as the shells without making a separate trip. 

Check back, and follow the team on Twitter for the latest news.  

See you tomorrow …
Coach Mike

JEB Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.