The conditions were challenging yesterday, but the team competed well. All the men’s boats faced heats and all made it to their respective finals, including our men’s junior 4 with two novices on board. All the freshman/novice 8 events were canceled due to the wind; however, our 6 novice girls were rowing up in the junior category and had their first chance to compete. Those boats placing in the top three of their finals and receiving VASRA ribbons included:

  • Women’s 2X (Mackenzie/Hannah) – 1st place
  • Women’s 4X (Pasha/India/Isabelle/Erin) – 2nd place
  • Men’s 4X (Noah/Warner/Steven/Chris) – 3rd Place

My thanks to the rowers, coaches, and parents who worked hard to make yesterday successful. 

With spring break the week of April 10 and the Music Department trip the following week, the next three regattas will be impacted by absences. The coaches will work to race as many of our rowers as we can, but rowers may have to row in different lineups.   

We’re more than halfway through our regular season. The coaches are starting to make final decisions with respect to boat lineups that we’d like to compete at the VASRA Championship on May 13, and hopefully beyond (Stotesbury and the SRAA Championship). Fitness remains an important consideration in boat selection … those rowers out of town for spring break should do some fitness related activity while gone.

The weather should be good for practice tomorrow … see you at the boathouse.
Coach Mike

J.E.B. Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.

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