Below are the relevant details for planning purposes. PLEASE READ THIS. All rowers will participate.

Fill it Out, Hand it In

  • No practice on Friday as trailer will already be on the way to Mathews, VA.
  • You will not be able to go unless you have a signed permission slip to Ms. Mullane by Friday. Download and complete Mathews form.

Pack it Up

  • What to bring: Rain gear, change of clothes for bus ride home, some money if you want to buy a crab cake (yum) or a T-shirt, sunscreen, water bottle (usual stuff for a regatta except plan for the weather and a long day).
  • Do not bring anything that you don’t want to get wet or muddy.
  • Don’t forget water and sunscreen.

Head on Out — The Early Bird Catches the Bus

  • Rowers must be at the High School NLT 3:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. It is about a 3 hour drive to Mathews by bus, and they need to be at the regatta site by 6 or so to get the boats unloaded and ready for racing.
  • Racing starts at 8:20 and will end around 1:30.
  • Rowers will compete in multiple events at this regatta, and there are some fun events (mixed gender boats, coaches race, coxswains race, very festive). 
  • Williams Wharf Road, Mathews, VA. 

Derig for Pizza

  • The team will load the trailers and be home around 8:00 to the high school.
  • We will make a quick stop for pizza on the way back.

Fuel our Rowers

  • Food for Mathews. Because it is such a long day, we will be making more substantial lunch food for rowers and coaches — sandwiches and pasta. It would be great to have a few additional items provided by parents. We have some stuff already taken care of and some stuff left over, so let me know if you can provide any of the following things. Please note, everything needs to be loaded on the bus, so you can drop off at my house Friday evening or before and I can make sure it gets on the bus. Trisch Aust is graciously updating the Signup Genius, but wanted to let you know ahead of time what we need.  
    • Large Cooler (need 3) with ice. Need them dropped off at my house.
    • 4 Cases of Bottled Water
    • 2 Cases of Juice (please not soda or juice drink)
    • Bananas, Clementines 
    • Bagels with cream cheese (2 dozen)
  • We used to charge a fee for this regatta to offset the bus costs, pizza and food, around $25.00, but collection was onerous.  We have decided to go with a donation approach this year — if you feel you can make a donation to offset our costs, please feel free to do so. Andrew Riester, treasurer can give you a tax donation form as well.


May 6 2017 spectators memo

Creekside Food Truck- Mathews Regatta Menu