Rowers, Coaches, Families:

Here are the details you’ve been waiting for related to JEB Stuart Crew Team Awards Ceremony and Potluck. This is a fun end-of-season event where we can relive some of the highlights of the season, thank our coaches, give out some awards, and say good-bye to our seniors (not to mention swimming and eating).

We will also have a very short Booster’s Business meeting to elect the Booster’s Board for next year. Please let me know if you are interested in filling a Board Position, especially Secretary or Treasurer position for next year, as our parent volunteers in that position are aging out. I’d like to have a “ballot” going into the meeting.

Here are the critical details:

Time:  Sunday, June 11th from 2:00 to 6:00

Location:  Broyhill Crest Pool, 7212 Early Street, Annandale VA. Please sign in at the guard house upon entering the facility, then come down to the pavilion/basketball area.

As with most things, this is a cooperative event/potluck. The team will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, and condiments, water, and paper goods.

Please bring a dish to pass (no glass containers or bottles please). If you….

  • Prefer to Row Port side — some sort of fruit/veggie contribution or salad
  • Prefer to Row Starboard side — carb-type side dish
  • Seniors — drinks/finger foods
  • Board Members — in honor of our coaches’ love for ice cream, we’ll organize a sundae bar for dessert.
  • Coaches — bring your appetites.

Don’t forget to bring your swim suits, towels if you want to swim.

Look forward to seeing everyone there.

J.E.B. Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years