Hoping the school year is off to a great start for everyone. As most of you know, the fall season is a busy one for the crew team, even though we are not officially in season. The fall and winter is when we are focused on raising funds to keep our team afloat and to recruit new members for a healthy, competitive team in the spring.

Parents and rowers … it takes everyone participating in the fundraising events for them to be successful. It takes about $50-60k to keep our team going (transportation, equipment, coaches, etc.). About half of this is raised by dues and the other through fundraising events.

Here is the list of our activities and some requested signups.

2017 Fall Schedule of Events

Sunday, September 17th — (1:00 to 5:00 PM) Car Wash at the First Christian Church, 6165 Leesburg Pike. Rowers, come in your crew t-shirts and prepare to work. Remember, the more hands, the better. Parents, please advertise this event with your neighbors, on list serves, word of mouth.

Tuesday, September 19th — (7:30 PM) Crew Booster Meeting at the high school. All parents encouraged to attend.

Saturday, September 23rd — (4:00 to 7:00 PM) Bake Sale at Bands at the Beach. JEB Stuart Crew will be selling homemade desserts at a benefit event at Lake Barcroft for the Stuart Educational Foundation from 4-7 p.m. We will need crew families to bake and sell individually wrapped baked items. Even if you can’t help set up and man the table at the event on Saturday night, please plan on baking. Sonja Schrock (Isabelle’s mom) is heading up this event. Sign up!

Sunday, October 1st, — (8:30 AM – 7:00 PM). Recruiting/Open House at Lake Barcroft.  ALL HANDS. The purpose of this event is to interest new rowers in the team and let them get out in a boat and try it out. It is really an all-day gig as rowers are needed to move boats from Sandy Run to Lake Barcroft on Saturday (meet at Sandy Run at 8:30), help with the event (1:00-4:00) and then immediately following the event, reload and move boats back to Sandy Run (4:00-6:00). Parents, we are thinking about doing a quick parent row for anyone interested immediately following the Open House, probably about 3:30 or so…more to come on this. Please note that this is an bona fide all hands event. Rowers, please make every effort to be part of at least two of the three segments.

Tuesday, October 10th — (7:30 PM). Crew Booster Meeting at the high school. All parents encouraged to attend.

Month of October – Wreaths, Poinsettias & Coffee Fundraiser, our biggest effort of the year. Set aside time for two weekends from 9:00 to 3:00 PM. Every rower should plan to take orders for at least two of these days to cover 3-5 routes. We need parents drivers. Due to security concerns, no rowers can act as drivers for these events. Sign ups to come.

Saturday/Sunday, October 21 and 22 – 9:00 to 3:00

Saturday/Sunday, October 28 and 29 – 9:00 to 3:00

Saturday, December 2nd — (9:00 to 1:00ish). Wreath, poinsettia & Coffee door-to-door deliveries.