Here’s where we stand on our wreath and poinsettia sales so far.

  • We have completed 9 out of 25 routes (last year), we typically try to do 30 routes.
  • This means that we have some ground to make up between now and October 30th. It is important that we hit all the routes, because people who purchase buy year-to-year.  If we miss them, they don’t order the next year either (sad face).
  • As a reminder, we are asking all rowers to:
    • Do at least 3 routes (1.5 – 2.5 hours a route in pairs). You can do 2 in one day, but 3 is really hard.
    • Parents needed to drive pairs of rowers for 2 routes.
    • Please sign up on the sign-up Genius. Unless we know who is coming, it is difficult to get people organized in routes and assure we have the correct number to be efficient. Sign up for sales dates here:
    • We understand that there are a lot of competing activities and our rowers are also busy with other sports, music, cheer, academics, etc… If you can’t fit in three routes on those dates, send Ms. Mullane a note so we can give you route(s) (perhaps your own neighborhood and perhaps with a teammate) to do on your own time in an area near your home. Please realize that if you take a route packet, you are committing to do the route. If you don’t, the team loses the opportunity to make the money from that route, and some of these routes fund a lot of bus trips or other team expenses.
  • Let your friends and neighbors (particularly those who live outside of the Stuart community) know they can order online at   

Let’s dig deep and get this last sprint done.

Thanks to rowers who came out this beautiful weekend: Julian, Kenzie, Julienne, Isabelle, India, Helina, Jimmy, Charles, Markus, Caroline, Liam, Warner, Steven, and Pasha.  Shout out to Brooke for handing out flyers at the football game on Friday night.


Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.