
It begins on Thursday (Nov. 16): Winter Conditioning 2017. Be in the dance studio at 3:30 pm.

HOWEVER, before that you need to be sure your paperwork is done. At a minimum, you must:

  1. Turn in the VHSL Physical to the athletic trainer (either by email to or to the trainers office at the back of the gym).
  2. Turn in the emergency care form (either by email to or to the crew mailbox in the front office).

Also, if you were lent a Stuart Crew erg this off season, you must bring it to the dance studio on Thursday at 3:30 or make arrangements with Linda or Mari for an earlier handoff.

While not mandatory to start winter conditioning, it would also be great if you would complete these additional items:

(These additional paperwork items can all go to Mari Mullane via the crew mailbox in the front office.)

And, finally, we will be removing the launches from the water at Sandy Run on Saturday. More hands make this an easier and faster job. So come and spend an hour or less working. Afternoon time to be announced, but make room on your schedule please.

Linda and Mari

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50 Years.