This will be our final week on Lake Barcroft … the current forecast has temps in the 40s and breezy, so please ensure you have adequate clothing.  Also …

  • Monday/Tuesday we’ll continue the rotation where novice women/experienced men go on the water first.
  • Tuesday is “Picture Day” … all rowers must be in the main gym with their gray T-shirts on NLT 3:15 pm. Come to the lake once the pictures are done.
  • Thursday/Friday we’ll change the rotation to novice men/experienced women first.
  • Friday we’ll start to derig boats … beginning with the shells not on the water second period.
  • Saturday we’ll complete the derigging, load the trailer, and go to Sandy Run. At Sandy Run all our equipment needs to be rigged, equipment currently at Sandy Run needs to be checked, and launches need to be readied. Novice rowers will practice launching and recovering their boats on the Sandy Run docks. This will also be a good chance for new team parents to explore the park.

Finally, this week the coaches will discuss initial boat lineups … those without a current erg score or those who haven’t tested recently can plan to test this week.

See you tomorrow …
Coach Mike


Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.