
As Coach Mike mentioned, the team relies on car pools to get rowers to practice during spring break. As the bus costs $450 per day, this allows Crew to forego a fundraiser or two. The team will practice each day, including Wednesday. Practice will be in the afternoon and will start a tad earlier (3:30 PM) so that the rowers can get in a bit more work.

As is team custom, the car pools for spring break are coordinated by the team. But to make this happen, we need your help with information.

Please respond to by Thursday, March 22, with the following information for each day of the week:

  • Will your rower be at practice? Yes     No   (State which days M  T  W  Th  F)

If Yes, for each day your rower will be at practice:

  • Will parent (or licensed rower) be able to drive?
    • Yes, [name] will drive
    • No, [rower name] needs a ride
  • If the rower will be driving, please state.

If yes, parent/rower will drive

  • State if rower or parent is driver
  • Can parent/rower drive to practice (leaving Stuart area approx. 2:30),
  • Can parent/rower drive from practice (leaving Sandy Run approximately 6:30), OR
  • Can parent/rower drive round-trip (drop-off and return)?

Yes, can help transport

  • How many passengers can fit safely in the vehicle? (Include your own rower in this number, please.)
  • Provide the names of any rowers you have already agreed to provide a ride to.

If yes, rower is attending but not driving

  • May your rower ride with a driver who is a student or must they ride with an adult driver?
  • If your rower has already arranged a ride with someone, who will they be riding with? (This is a double-check on question 3 above.) Otherwise, if you tell me your rower will be at practice on a particular day, I’ll put them in the mix for a ride.

Ride Schedule

Look for a ride schedule to come from address next Saturday.

If you do not respond by Thursday, March 22, your rower will not be on the ride schedule and will not have a ride to practice.

For those of you who haven’t done this before, your answers may be different by day. Some days your rower may not be going to practice, or you might be available some days to drive but not others. Don’t worry, though, the carpool coordinator is prepared for long answers. Please be specific.

Monday, April 2, is a practice day

Monday, April 2 is a student holiday. We will have practice that day. Practice will be at the normal time, and Crew Boosters will provide bus service. Rowers should plan to be at the school and seated in the bus no later than 3:30 pm. on April 2.

Mari Mullane

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.