My thanks to the parents and rowers who provided transportation to support spring break training. It was great to see a good number of rowers there to work this past week.

Looking to this week … Monday is still a training day; however, we’ll go back to bus transportation (NLT 3:30 pm at Stuart).

This upcoming Saturday (April 7th) is the Walter Mess Regatta at Sandy Run. This regatta will be larger than the Polar Bear and include novices and other teams from outside the local area.

It’s important that you let your coach know by Tuesday (preferably sooner) if you will not be able to compete on April 7th. The coaches meet after practice on Tuesday to decide on race entries … VASRA requires registration/payment for those entries on Wednesday. Assuming sufficient rowers are available, we intend to compete our novice boats this time.

We’re entering the mid part of our season. We have a local regatta every weekend in April and then on May 5th the entire team will travel to Mathews, VA to compete in the Mathews East River Regatta–every available rower will compete that day.

[Link to stills and videos of men’s practice from Thursday are uploaded to the team photo gallery. Click on each video to play.]

See you Monday …
Coach Mike

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.