The weather for the regatta tomorrow will be a welcome change from last weekend. With the increased temperature make sure you’re staying hydrated. Bring a dry change of clothes, hairbands, sunscreen, labeled water bottle, and positive energy.

Below is the 2nd (current) version of the schedule. This could change, so check the VASRA site (or follow @vasraresults on Twitter) for the latest info before coming to Sandy Run. Follow @stuartHScrew on Twitter as well. 

Coaches/Coxswains/Lightweights … note the times. This is a large regatta and there will be traffic–give yourself extra time to make your scheduled meetings.

The entered lineups are below. Our men’s novice 8+ debuts this week. Unless a coach directs otherwise, rowers must be at the boathouse 2 hours prior to race time … expect to launch 40 minutes before race time.

Event Summary

M-1x Steven Mullane

M-2x Entry A: Warner Gates, Charles Haver
         Entry B: Torin Fitzgerald, Long Luu

W-1-4x Isabelle Schrock, Julienne Chollette, Mackenzie Wiley, Pasha McGuigan

W-2-4x Margaret Turner, Helina Mesfin, Vivian Tran, Noorah Aldaghlas

M-LT-4 Caroline Reze (cox), Noah Taylor, Brandon Tran, Jimmy Sidney, Markus Ferrell

W-N-4 Trishvi Nguyen (cox), Natalie Khan, Michelle Coronado Cortes, Layton Haren, Soliana Calderon

M-N-8 Lleymi Orozco-Lopez (cox), Aidan Shaw, Liam Fitzgerald, Jason Palacios, William Mayer, John Coronado Cortes, Elisha Watson, Drake Latham, Lincoln Trissell

See you at the boathouse …
Coach Mike