It was another successful regatta for the team. My thanks to the coaches, parents, and rowers for the great team work and support yesterday. [Click to see a slideshow of the day.] 

The  finish order for our entries is summarized below. A special shout out to our two first place boatsmen’s lightweight 4+ (Caroline Reze (cox) , Noah Taylor, Brandon Tran, Jimmy Sidney, Markus Ferrell) and our women’s first quad (Isabelle Schrock, Julienne Chollette, Mackenzie Wiley, Pasha McGuigan). Both boats competed well in competitive finals where the margin of victory was less than .3 seconds. Our men’s novice 8+ had their first chance to compete yesterday and rowed to a third place finish.  

Next Saturday we’ll race in the Ted Phoenix Regatta. This will be similar to this past regatta. However, the Music Department trip is this week which will take some of our boats out of action. Please make sure your coach knows your availability to compete.  

Beyond the Ted Phoenix, we’ll compete in the Al Urquia Regatta on April 28th and the week after that the full team will travel to Mathews to compete on the East River. All available rowers will compete at Mathews.  

The Mathews Regatta will mark the end of the season for some of our rowers. The following weekend we’ll compete in the VASRA Championship Regatta. Entries are limited to our most competitive boats, and there are no novice events that day, although I envision some of our novices may get a chance to be part of potential junior boat entries.

After the Championship we’ll attend the Stotesbury Regatta in Philadelphia and potentially the SRAA National Championship, if we qualify. More on these two regattas later. 

See you at the boathouse …

Coach Mike

Results Summary

M-1x (2nd)

Steven Mullane


Entry A: Warner Gates, Charles Haver (2nd)

Entry B: Torin Fitzgerald, Long Luu (3rd)

W-1-4x (1st)

Isabelle Schrock, Julienne Chollette, Mackenzie Wiley, Pasha McGuigan

W-2-4x (3rd)

Margaret Turner, Helina Mesfin, Vivian Tran, Noorah Aldaghlas

M-LT-4 (1st)

Caroline Reze (cox) , Noah Taylor, Brandon Tran, Jimmy Sidney, Markus Ferrell

W-N-4 (5th)

Trishvi Nguyen (cox), Natalie Khan, Michelle Coronado Cortes, Layton Haren, Soliana Calderon

M-N-8 (3rd)

Lleymi Orozco-Lopez (cox), Aidan Shaw, Liam Fitzgerald, Jason Palacios, William Mayer, John Coronado Cortes, Elisha Watson, Drake Latham, Lincoln Trissell