The weather looks good Saturday … a little bit of a headwind on the course.

VASRA has changed the event order for this weekend with the 8s going in the morning and smaller boats in the afternoon. We won’t have enough novice men for our 8, so all our racing will be in the afternoon.

Current version of the schedule belowthis could change, so check the VASRA site (or follow @vasraresults on Twitter) for the latest info before coming to Sandy Run. Follow @stuartHScrew on Twitter as well. 

Coaches/Coxswains/Lightweights … note the times. The second coxswains meeting is 12:30 and weigh-ins run from 12:00-1:00 PM. This is the largest regatta so far with events going until after 5:30 PM.

The entered lineups are below. Unless a coach directs otherwise, rowers must be at the boathouse at least 2 hours prior to race time … expect to launch 40 minutes before race time.  

Event Summary

M-1x  Steven Mullane

W-1x  Brooke Carmody

M-2x  Liam DeVan (bow), Torin Fitzgerald 

W-1-4x  Isabelle Schrock (bow), Julienne Chollette, Mackenzie Wiley, Pasha McGuigan

W-2-4x  Margaret Turner (bow), Soliana Calderon, Vivian Tran, Noorah Aldaghlas

M-1-4x  Julian Cruz (bow), Warner Gates, Kurt Finkenstaedt, Charles Haver

M-LT-4  Caroline Reze (cox) , Noah Taylor, Brandon Tran, Jimmy Sidney, Markus Ferrell

M-N-4  Trish Nguyen (cox), Peyton Musick, Liam Fitzgerald, Drake Latham, Lincoln Trissell

See you at the boathouse …
Coach Mike

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.