My thanks to the coaches, parents, and rowers for a successful regatta yesterday—our men chalked up three 1st place finishes—the Senior Single (Steven), Men’s Lightweight 4 (Caroline, Markus, Jimmy, Brandon, Noah), and Men’s Novice 4 (Trish, Lincoln, Drake, Liam, and Peyton). Our women’s quad bested two strong out-of-town sculling teams, Albemarle and Western Albemarle, but were edged by Colgan for a 2nd place finish. The summary for all events is included below … Ms Gioseffi’s slide show is at our team photo gallery site.  

A special shout out to Jason and his family; although not in a lineup yesterday they were there at 7 a.m. and stayed through the novice 4 race at 5:30 pm—great team support.

Next Saturday, April 28, is the Al Urquia Regatta, the last local regular season regatta for the team. The following weekend, May 5, is the Mathews Regatta (see team background for info on Mathews). All available team members will compete at Mathews. This will be the last regatta for those team members not selected to compete at—or serve as alternates for—the VASRA Championship on May 12 or for the Stotesbury Regatta in Philly from May 17-19

With Prom this Friday, we’re tentatively looking to switch the regular Friday practice to Wednesday. We realize that this won’t necessarily work for everybody, but based on the captains’ survey of rowers, we should be able to get more rowers out on Wednesday. More to come … 

See you at the boathouse.
Coach Mike 


Results Summary

M-1x (1st)
Steven Mullane

W-1x (2nd)
Brooke Carmody

M-2x (3rd)
Liam DeVan (bow), Torin Fitzgerald 

W-1-4x (2nd)
Isabelle Schrock (bow), Julienne Chollette, Mackenzie Wiley, Pasha McGuigan

W-2-4x (6th)
Margaret Turner (bow), Soliana Calderon, Vivian Tran, Noorah Aldaghlas

M-1-4x (4th)
Julian Cruz (bow), Warner Gates, Kurt Finkenstaedt, Charles Haver

M-LT-4 (1st)
Caroline Reze (cox) , Noah Taylor, Brandon Tran, Jimmy Sidney, Markus Ferrell

M-N-4 (1st)
Trish Nguyen (cox), Peyton Musick, Liam Fitzgerald, Drake Latham, Lincoln Trissell

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.