Al Urquia brings the local regular season to a close. Great team effort … rowers, coaches, and parents … on a successful competition.

For those not tracking Twitter yesterday, the results are summarized below. Congrats again this week to the Men’s Lightweight 4 (Caroline – cox, Markus, Brandon, Jimmy, and Noah) on another 1st place finish. They’re looking very strong going into the Championship in two weeks. Check out Ms Gioseffi’s photos and videos of the day at the Crew photo gallery.

Next Saturday we’ll head to Mathews for the 30th Anniversary Mathew Regatta. We’ll compete against some familiar schools, but many new ones as well. Those participating with us include — Mathew,  GHS, GBC, Grassfield, 1st Colonial, Forest Park, Granby, Albemarle, Princess Anne, Maury, Hickory, Cox, Clarke County Rowing and Mobjack. So far the weather is looking pretty good.

All the latest Mathew Regatta info is now posted on the website. Please review the post before this weekend. Also, make sure you’ve submitted the field-trip paperwork to Ms. Mullane. 

See you at the boathouse.
Coach Mike

M-1x (2nd) Steven Mullane
W-JR-1x (4th) Brooke Carmody
M-2x (3rd) Liam DeVann (bow), Torin Fitzgerald
M-1-4x (3rd)  Julian Cruz (bow), Long Luu, Kurt Finkenstaedt, Warner Gates
W-1-4x (3rd) Isabelle Schrock (bow), Julienne Chollette, Mackenzie Wiley, Pasha McGuigan
W-2-4x (4th)   Margaret Turner (bow), Destinae Latham, Vivian Tran, Noorah Aldaghlas
M-LT-4 (1st)  Caroline Reze (cox), Noah Taylor (bow), Brandon Tran, Robert Sidney, Markus Ferrell
W-N-4 (4th) Heidy Mendez-Salvador (cox), Soliana Calderon (bow), Michelle Coronado Cortes, Natalie Khan, Layton Haren
M-N-8 (5th) Lleymi Orozco-Lopez (cox), Aidan Shaw (bow), John Coronado Cortes, Jason Palacios, William Mayer, Peyton Musick, Liam Fitzgerald, Elisha Watson, Drake Latham


Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.