
A memorable Stotesbury is now in the record books. The wet, windy, variable conditions made this regatta very challenging. Check out the photos!        

A special thanks to Mike and Lynette Gates for driving our cargo trailer with the tents, grill, and supplies; to Coach Chip Shand for trailering all our boats safely up and back to NJ; to Heidi Gioseffi for constantly running back and forth between the course and the staging area to capture photos and for helping with the trailer; and to Linda Manning for all the logistical efforts to feed, house, and transport the team—having hot food on-site was great. 

Thanks to the parents for transporting rowers and gear, keeping the tent from blowing aways, digging a trench to reroute the water flow, taking turns manning the stove, and hauling water.

To the rowers … you represented Stuart well. As would be expected at Stotesbury, the competition was tough—all our boats gave it their best. Surviving time trials this year was a bit harder because the organizers had to eliminate some semifinals to save time. Of our 8 boats below, the women’s 2X made it to the semifinals, finishing 4th. Our women’s lightweight 2X was 11th in the time trials and would have normally gone on.  



– LW 4+ (Caroline, Markus, Jimmy, Brandon, Noah) 

– 2X (Warner, Julian)

– 1X (Steven) 

– JR 4+ (Lleymi, Drake, Elisha, Lincoln, Liam F) 

– Alternate Kurt Finkenstaedt


– 2X (Mackenzie, Isabelle) 

– LW 2X (Vivian, Margaret) 

– 1X (Brooke) 

– JR 4X (Layton, Soliana, Noorah, Destinae)

– Alternate Julienne Chollette

Click to link to the full Stotesbury Cup Regatta results for Stuart entries.


The Week Ahead

This week the three boats competing at the SRAA National Championship Regatta (women’s senior 4X – Pasha/Mackenzie/Julienne/Isabelle; men’s senior lightweight 4+ – Caroline (cox)/Markus/Jimmy/Brandon/Noah; and men’s senior single – Steven) will continue preparing for competition on the Cooper River in NJ. For those not competing, please wish your teammates well. 

As Ms. Manning noted earlier today, we will hold sculling training Mon/Tue … there will be no bus and rowers will have to self-organize to get to the boathouse. Connect for carpools via the email thread.

Hard to believe the season will be over next weekend.
Coach Mike


Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for More Than 50 Years.