Our season came to a close Saturday afternoon on the Cooper River in NJ—the last regatta for the team known as “JEB Stuart Crew.” I’m proud of the team’s performance this season and the hard work of our rowers, both on and off the water. I’m also grateful for the outstanding support from our parents and boosters, as well as the hard work of my fellow coaches.

Check out the photos from this past weekend from Ms. Gioseffi at Crew photo gallery.

All three of our boats represented Stuart and Virginia very well—the competition draws the top boats from the regional championship regattas from around the country.

Our single (Steven) entered the competition ranked 14th where only the top 12 are expected to survive the day 1 heats.  Steven’s 4th place Friday heat finish earned him a top 12 semifinal slot on Saturday where he finished with the 10th fastest time.  

The lightweight 4+ races were very tight with small differences between 1st and last in the heats. Caroline (cox)/Markus/Jimmy/Brandon/Noah turned in a good heat time, just 6 seconds off of Gonzaga, but not quite enough to move on.  

Finally, the varsity 4X (Pasha/Mackenzie/Julienne/Isabelle) had to go against the 2nd and 3rd fastest boats from the Philly Championship as well as the Midwest Champion on Friday. Their 2nd place heat finish earned them a spot in the grand varsity 4X final on Saturday where we finished 4th in the Nation. 

Although we’re done rowing, Crew has a number of activities still to go … these include the college rowing information session Tue, the Sports Awards Night on Thu, and boathouse cleanup and our awards picnic next weekend. Please follow us on Twitter, watch for emails from the boosters, and check back to the website for details. 

Coach Mike