Thanks to the team members and parents who came down today to return our equipment to the new racks in boathouse #2. We also rigged boats to help prepare for the Alumni/Parent Row next Saturday. Check out the photos Ms Gioseffi put out on Twitter.

Also, congratulations to Pasha McGuigan and Steven Mullane for receiving Washington Post All-Met Honorable Mentions this past week for the 2018 season. Well deserved.

Finally, at the rower meeting the last week of school Coach Rob outlined use of a Google Classroom to continue off-season engagement with the team, provide a place to record daily/weekly fitness accomplishments, and survey the team for participation in upcoming events. Almost all the rowers were at the team meeting, but less than half of you (returning rowers) are engaged in the classroom. Coach Rob posted an assignment to look at a short video clip and answer some questions … the aim is to get you to think a little bit about achieving goals. For the eight who completed the assignment so far … thank you (Trish, very nice work). The other item in the classroom is the fitness log. In addition to logging your meters or weight room activity, please let us know if you achieve a significant milestone, like a rowing, swimming, or running PR.

I’ll see some of you next weekend at the Alumni/Parent Row.

Coach Mike

Stuart Crew. Rowing Strong for 50+ Years.