As I noted last weekend, tomorrow (Saturday) we move from Lake Barcroft to Sandy Run Regional Park. We’ll start derigging some of our shells today and finish the trailer load in the morning. We’ll meet at 9 AM tomorrow at the lake to begin. I anticipate we will be done at Sandy Run by 3 PM.

All rowers should participate … parents are encouraged to help with this as well. Minivans are especially useful, given we can’t get everything on the boat trailer. A particular challenge tomorrow is moving the two coaches launches we brought up with us—we don’t have access this time to the landscaping trailer we used last month, so if anyone has access to a small trailer we could use, please let me know.

Here’s what needs to happen tomorrow for us to be ready for Monday:

– 7 boats and oars at the lake need to be returned to Sandy Run and re-rigged/checked

– 6 additional boats at Sandy Run need to be rigged and checked

– 2 launches/engines at the lake need to be returned to Sandy Run

– 3 engines need to be picked up from maintenance/storage in Woodbridge

– All 5 coaches launches must be put on the water and have their outboard engines installed/checked

– All fuel tanks and spare tanks must be filled

– Safety gear at the lake needs to be returned/all safety gear must be checked

– 3 team ergs need to be brought to the upper boathouse at Sandy Run

– The team “chuck wagon” trailer must be brought back to Justice HS

– Disassemble and stack all fencing material at Beach 4

– Novice orientation on expected shell movement and practice procedures at Sandy Run

Much to do … the more hands we have the quicker it will go.

For those unfamiliar with the park, be mindful of the 15 mph speed limit–this is a hot issue with the park manager.

See you at the lake (and the Occoquan) …
Coach Mike