Big thanks to parents, coaches, and rowers—past, present, and future—who came out to address hundreds of end-of-season tasks on Saturday.

Attendees included: Lincoln, Jose, Mayda, Alina, Matthew, Emily, Natalie, Alana, Sofia, Carla, Tim, Eaden, Alberto, Soliana, Jordan, Julian, Coach Mike, Coach Rob, and Bob Finley. Thanks for your hard work to wash, clean, and wax boats; scrape, clean, and apply new launch registration numbers; move the launches/motors off the water; and clean out the boathouse locker and many other tasks!

A few pictures from our productive day from Booster President David Trissell are below.

Stay tuned for more Justice Rowing activities over the summer, including a car wash fundraiser in August.

Thank you for your continued support!

One Boat, One Pack