Happy Fall! The weather the last couple of days reminds me that it’s turning Fall, even though my calendar seems sometimes to be stuck in time, given the collective Covid-19 situation that we’re all weathering together.

However, school is back in session, and I hope you are all settling back into a successful rhythm for the new school year. One thing you may have missed during back-to-school activities is the JHS Rowing table and rowers at the Wolfpack Welcome and Back to School Nights (all virtual now). But JHS Rowing is still preparing for a 2021 season! We won’t be able to host our Open House at Lake Barcroft this year, but the Captains and Coaches are planning some great rowing and introduction/instructional videos to introduce our sport to new students, so stay tuned.

Regarding when our season will start, that is still up in the air. While Virginia Athletics and FCPS have adopted a compressed set of schedules for all three seasons’ sports, crew is a bit different. The Athletic Directors from each school with a crew program form the “Crew Council” which makes decisions (in coordination with the other authorities involved, e.g., Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association, Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, etc.) regarding the season and other issues for crew. These groups are currently considering whether crew will begin at the same time as other “Spring” sports aligned with FCPS, scheduled now for April 12–June 26 (First Contest Date–April 26), or have different dates. We will be monitoring this and hope to be able to share more information over the next month or so.

Preparing for our 2021 season

Recruiting for a coach: We are actively recruiting for an experienced coach so let us know if you know of anyone. You can find the job announcement at justicerowing.org.

Rower Physical and Concussion Training: Every rower who plans to participate in pre-season conditioning and/or join rowing must have a physical and concussion training certificate on file with the school before starting any activities. Send completed physicals forms and certificates directly to the Head Athletic Trainer Korey Berg at kbberg@fcps.edu.

Fundraising: Our program has fixed costs which must be paid, regardless of whether we row or not. These include insurance, equipment maintenance, rental space and Coaches salaries (depending on the length of season), among others. Our annual fundraising letter will go out this month—read it to see how you can help!

Wreath, Poinsettia and Coffee Sales—Online Oct. 1 – 30: Pickup/delivery scheduled Dec. 5. Our delivery options this year will be very limited, and we encourage everyone to either have the items shipped or take advantage of our new contact-less pick-up scheduled now for Dec. 5. A flyer and brochure are attached with how you can order and contactless pickup and delivery options.

How to support JHS Rowing at no additional cost!

Subscribe to our monthly gift/scrip card or coffee program. Purchase your usual grocery or restaurant meals (Starbucks, Chipotle, etc.) using merchant cards you buy through JHS Rowing and each purchase provides the team a percentage donation. Send an email to justicerowingtreasurer@gmail.com to sign up or for more information.

Shop Amazon? If buying on Amazon: 1) Sign in to smile.amazon.com; 2) Go to Your Account, and then select the option to Change your Charity; and 3) Select Justice High School Rowing Boosters Inc. .5% of eligible purchases will be donated to our club.

Buy food? When you buy groceries at Harris Teeter, please link your VIC card to Justice High School Crew Team, and the team will receive donations based on your purchases, every time you buy groceries. The charity of choice must be updated every school year. Go to www.harristeeter.com and sign up today!

Opportunities to serve. We still desperately need a Secretary for the Boosters as required by our By-Laws. Consider serving in this role to support your rowers! We also need a coordinator for our Script and Coffee Sales. These roles provide much-needed financial support to the team, but need someone to help facilitate them. Please let us know if you can help. Read all the opportunities at justicerowing.org.

Next Booster Meeting: Wednesday, October 7, 6:30. We’ll “meet” virtually and you can attend via this link: https://meet.google.com/kqg-zvrr-tjo

Be safe, and

Row Strong,

David Trissell
Justice Rowing Boosters