Happy Friday Justice Rowing Family,

Here is your summary of our races for Saturday’s Walter Mess Regatta.

Reminders to rowers to only bring what you’ll take in the boat with you, get plenty of sleep Friday night, and eat a quality dinner and breakfast before you race! Please also remember that streaming is available on VASRA’s livestream account hosted on TWITCH while spectators are not allowed to attend the races yet.

[Check VASRA website and heatsheet for any last minute changes to the times]

Event # Time Boat Lineup (Coxswain – Stern – Bow)
2 9:08am M2x (Men’s double) Jason P., Alberto M.
3 9:16am W4x (Women’s quad) Sofia P, Emma B., Liv F., Suliana B.
4 9:24am M4x (Men’s quad) Elisha W., Lincoln T., Christian B. V., Liam F.
31 2:00pm MN8+ (Men’s Novice Eight) Zach H., Daniel C., Tim W., Brandon B., Ethan S., Ronan B., Luke M., Nathan W., Kyle W.


Unfortunately, due to an unexpected absence, we had to scratch (withdraw) our entry for the WJr4+ (Women’s Junior Coxed Four). As a reminder, please email your coaches and captains as soon as you know of any upcoming absences on regatta days, so we can plan ahead and save on entry fees.

Please reach out to coaches if you have any questions, and we’ll see you all this weekend!

Rob Walker (he/him)
Special Ed. and English Teacher
Justice High School Rowing Team Head Coach
Twitter: @CoachWalker91