Justice Rowing Community: Some end-of-season reminders are below. We still need several slots filled up for our Annual Potluck—Rowers gotta eat!

Saturday, June 11, 12 Noon–2:00 PM—Annual Awards Potluck Picnic and Annual Booster Board Election

Join us to celebrate your rowers! This year’s annual awards picnic will be held again at the Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet Club (SHBR). In addition to rowers’ “paper plate” awards and Coaches’ awards, we will be honoring Coach Rob Walker in his final year with Justice Rowing. It’s also our annual Booster Board election (a list of Board nominees will be coming soon). Come out and show your support and appreciation for our rowers and coaches! Sign up today to make this a great event!

The Board has approved the below roster of nominees for Officers for 2022-23 and has submitted them to the Boosters for consideration and a vote at the Boosters Annual Meeting.

Saturday Annual Awards Picnic Reminders

1) If you’ve not already done so, please RSVP and sign up to bring something –  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4ca4a82aa20-justice3
2) Bring a chair (and extra) if you have one; seating at the pavilion is limited;
3) Please arrive promptly as we need to start at 12 since we’ve got other groups using the facility before and after us.
4) Uniforms—Please turn them in at the picnic (washed).


Volunteer Opportunities

Here is a printable list of the volunteer roles we need to be filled each year to run the program. We ask that each returning family sign up for at least one position for the year. Please let me know if you have any questions about the role or time requirements. “Apprentice” roles also are available where you can shadow a current volunteer to learn the ropes and be prepared to lead it the following year. Thank you!

More about Justice Rowing boosters and current position holders can be found online.

June Learn to Row Camp

In recent years, this short week-long mini-rowing camp has been a great recruiting event to introduce rising 9th graders (and some 8th graders!) to the sport of rowing and Justice Rowing.  It’s run by our coaches and upper-class rowers and we need your support to pull it off.  If you can help out by coordinating or providing snacks or registration assistance, please send us an email.  The tentative dates are June 22, 23, and 24. A signup genius to help out will be circulated soon.

Click to download and share!

Scenes from our Learn to Row program below:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Summer ERG rental

The team will again be loaning ERGs for the summer for those rowers who want to continue working out. Pick up will be after school this Friday, June 10. Please read, sign, and bring the attached form.

2022 ERG rental agreement

June Boathouse Workday

We need to clean up the boats, get our launches off the water and winterize the motors, among other tasks. Please stay tuned for a date soon to help out.

Thank you all for your support of our program and athletes!

Row Strong,
David Trissell
Justice High School Rowing Boosters