2022-23 Registration is now OPEN!  Please register soon so that the Coaches can begin preparing for the season. Registration materials are available at justicerowing.org/forms/

Winter Conditioning Starts THURSDAY, Nov. 17 – Sessions will run from 3:30 – 5:30 on Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri. To participate, you will need a sports physical on file with the

Submit the Athletic Trainer forms to the Athletic Department and an Emergency Care Form to the Justice Rowing registrar (for use by the coaches).

If you’re new to rowing, please watch the short video on the rowing stroke posted on the Team Work Out plan tab.

  • Wear running shoes and layers because warmups and some workouts may be outside.
  • Bring a large refillable water bottle and
  • a small notebook to track your workouts/progress.

ERG RETURNS ON THURSDAY — For those with team ergs at home … plan to return the erg on Thursday between 3:15 – 3:30, but no later than 5:30, at the back door of the old dance studio, located in the North Justice HS parking lot. Wipe down and sanitize the loaner erg and please replace the batteries for the type you used (Model C – 4 AAs; Model D – 2 Ds).

Coach Nate and Coach Bill

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CONNECT @JusticeRowingBoosters
LEARN www.justicerowing.org
CONTACT justicerowing@gmail.com
SUPPORT justicerowing.org/fundraising