
My thanks to all who contributed to the move from Lake Barcroft to Sandy Run yesterday—great team effort from rowers, coaches, and parents to get everything ready for our first Occoquan practice tomorrow … check out highlights from our moving day.

This week we’ll use a bus to get to practice. Rowers should aim to be on the bus by 3:15 pm. The bus will depart as soon as it’s loaded, but no later than 3:30 pm. The water has not been turned on yet at Sandy Run, so make sure you bring a full water bottle to the boathouse. Rowers should also have a change of clothes and a snack. Expect the bus to return to Justice ~7:15 pm.

Next Saturday will be our first regatta (rowing competition)—the Polar Bear Regatta. Novice rowers will not compete in this one, and are encouraged to come support the team and watch the event.

Going forward there will be a regatta every Saturday, except for April 20th. It’s important that rowers notify their coaches at the beginning of each week if they won’t be able to participate in a regatta. Coaches decide lineups on Tuesday for Saturday races—entries and are then entered online and paid for. If we have to cancel an entry because a rower becomes unavailable, we forfeit the entry fee.

The Occoquan forecast for tomorrow is mid/high 40s with a possibility of showers—please make sure you’re dressed for the conditions.

See you at the boathouse …

Coach Mike