Attached is the 1st release of the regatta schedule. Change is still possible, but hopefully would be minor at this point.

Follow VASRA Results on Twitter for the latest.

Note that coxswains and one rower from each sculling boat must be at the 7:30 mandatory coxswain’s meeting … allow extra time for traffic. For those not required to attend the early meeting, unless your coach gives you a specific time to show up, be at the boathouse no later than 2 hours prior to your race

At this point rowers should plan to be in uniform, there’s no indication that VASRA plans to waive the uniform rule.

Those we expect to compete tomorrow (not necessarily in lineup order) …

W1X (Brooke)

W2X (Noorah/Julienne)

M2X (Aidan/Jason)

M4X (Brandon/Kurt/Liam F/Charles)



Thanks for the carpool support for practice this week. Note that there is no bus from the school on regatta days, I highly encourage carpooling among families to save on the parking expense.

See you at the boathouse …

Coach Mike