All:  Please be aware of three important announcements for this week:

1) I hope all of the rowers will attend the Pasta Night Dinner hosted by the Brogan’s—see email for address.

2) The Justice Spring Classic Fundraiser is in its final days and our big event where the kids will row towards their pledges is next Wednesday afternoon, details to follow. Please send out pledge requests this week if you haven’t already—we want to meet the Coach’s Challenge. And please pledge today towards your favorite rower!

3) For those who ordered rowing jackets this year, the supplier contacted us and apologized for the delay, letting us know that they have been working overtime and on weekends to get all of their orders completed. They hope to have them shipped to us tomorrow; if so, I’ll bring them to the Pasta Night Dinner to distribute.

Row Strong,

David Trissell
Justice Rowing Boosters