Dear Justice Rowing Community,

Vivian Haren, mother of Justice High School senior Layton Haren and wife to Paul Haren passed away after several years long battle against Guillain Barré syndrome. This syndrome causes the body‘s immune system to attack the nervous system.

This family is one of the kindest families I’ve ever had the chance of knowing. Growing up with Layton and knowing her mother has been one of the greatest privileges I’ve ever been given, and I’m forever grateful for it. I have no doubt in my mind that many other people feel this same way.

It would be helpful to the Haren family (especially during the pandemic, which is an extremely difficult time to lose a loved one) if you could donate to funeral/medical expenses. If you’re unable to donate during this difficult time, that’s completely fine, it would just mean the world if you could share this gofundme page. Please keep Vivian, Layton, Paul and the rest of their family in your prayers and/or thoughts.

Thank you,
Natalie Khan ’21
Varsity Rower and Co-Captain, Justice Rowing