There is not much new information to add about our 2021 season from the update in December. The Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) Board February meeting was cancelled because of no new change in the status of Sandy Run or return to rowing activities. Its next meeting is in March, and we’ll update you soon thereafter.

Below is the draft/subject to change schedule for 2021, including our Board meetings. NOTE: It is most likely that rowers will not be rowing at every regatta as in years past due to COVID-19 protocols and a limit to the number of persons allowed at Sandy Run at any one time.

You still have time to register for crew this year. Go to and send in your completed forms today. Please also remember to complete your 2021 membership to US Rowing at The cost is $9.00; use code W2GS4.

The team continues to condition virtually. Stay tuned for potential ERG training in person once we get approval from FCPS. IF we can return safely to ERGs outside and socially distanced, we’ll need lots of help for Coach and his team to disinfect, move/service the equipment. We’ll update you on this development soon.

  • Please turn in your physical to Mr. Berg and complete your concussion education as soon as possible.
  • Reminder that practices take place on Google Meet via our Google Classroom. We meet Mon-Fri at 3:30pm for body-weight training and tips from the coaches. The workout calendars are also posted in Google Classroom for all rowers to see and use. Stay fit!
  • Spring sports are in a red calendar period currently; no organized practice for the next two weeks. Our next virtual practice will resume on February 22nd and continue regularly from that date.

CHIPOTLE FUNDRAISER—MARCH 2 from 4-8 pm—6299 Seven Corners Center
Please join us in dining “out” to contribute 33% of overall sales to Justice Rowing. Do make it count!

Three ways to guarantee your purchases count:

  1. Show the cashier a digital (jpg) flyer prior to paying English Spanish
  2. Show the cashier a paper (pdf) flyer prior to paying English Spanish
  3. Order online and pickup Chipotle for your fundraiser by using the Promo Code VAL9XA8 on the Chipotle app or website. Please note that fundraiser online ordering is only valid through pickup during your fundraiser’s scheduled date, time, and assigned restaurant. Ordering delivery for fundraisers is not permitted at this time.

Feel free to pass along an attached flyer virtually to your friends, neighborhood email group, etc., etc.

2021 Justice High School Rowing Calendar

The dates in bold below are tentative regatta dates from VASRA and are subject to change.

03/17 – Booster Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, online (meeting details will be sent later)

04/21 – Booster Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, online

05/01 – Polar Bear Regatta

05/05 – Booster Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, online

05/08 – Regional Park Regatta

05/15 – Walter Mess Regatta

05/22 – Darrell Winslow Regatta

05/29 – Ted Phoenix Regatta

06/02 – Booster Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, online

06/05 – Al Urquia Regatta | Charlie Butt Regatta

06/12 – Regatta

06/19 – VSRC Day 1

06/26 – VSRC Day 2

Row Strong,
David Trissell
Justice Rowing Boosters