2021 Calendar
A 2-page calendar with practice information, regatta schedule (tentative) and other information is attached. It is also available on our website on the CALENDAR webpage.

Boat Name Survey
Vote for your favorite name for our new quad. Your choices are, “The Barcroft,” “The Pack,” or “Alpha”.  The latter two names connect to our JHS mascot, the Wolves, and “The Barcroft” reflects our close connection to the community and Lake where we practice and which has supported the team over the last 50+ years. The Board and Coaches will make the final selection based on the survey results. The survey will close at the end of next Friday, March 26. Link to voting ballot sent via email from Justice Rowing on March 18.

Spring Break
Practice will continue over Spring Break next week at JHS every day except Friday. Coach Rob will have more information about times. Stay tuned!

Missing Registration Forms
Please check to make sure that you’ve submitted the appropriate registration forms, including the liability release and that you’ve signed up for your 2021 US Rowing membership. If you have any questions, please contact our Registrar Beatrice Brogan at beatrice_brogan@yahoo.com.